Create + Refine

Iterations that listen are the preferred direction theCuriosity+Lab takes when it comes to rounds of edits and user feedback.

We want to learn and research what your customers’ behaviors tell us – more importantly we want to collect that information organically with old-fashioned, investigative, journalistic approaches then combine it with robust analytics and search marketing  insights. The more work we do upfront together the fewer revisions happen long-term because we’ve quickened our understanding of your needs and documented all your preferences. Working together will just feel right for both sides + if it doesn’t, both parties should part ways.

We will provide a few documents upfront before creating any billable deliverable or strategy – this might include a Scope of Work (SOW), a 3-month campaign document, a content playbook or a creative brief. This will be provided only after we have collected enough information about your business to guide your marketing program in the right direction to be in alignment with your business or sales goals. These documents will clearly outline pricing estimates, hours and your deliverables. Once we begin our work together we will also let you know if you are crossing the mid-range of the estimate or might exceed the estimate based on additional work or issues found. We will never increase hours or exceed those estimates without prior warning or communication about what is needed and why. Your TRUST, marketing program, budget, security and technology stack are of utmost importance to us.